A different kind of software company
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit and a trusted partner to nonprofits since 1996, we bring capacity-building software to nonprofits across America
29 Years in Service
Hosted in Tier 4 US Data Centers
HIPAA-Compliant Platform
What makes us different?
Imagine an awe-inspiring place filled with awesomeness. That's the place we call Pangea. What you get when you merge the heart of a nonprofit with the mind of Silicon Valley. A technology capacity-building nonprofit whose very DNA engenders innovations that challenge convention—above and below the line. We built the greatest software company in all the land by empowering nonprofits to make a better world. (29 years and still rolling!) Most software companies don't get nonprofits. Most nonprofits don't get software. As a software company and a nonprofit, we get both.
Impact Visualization On Demand®
Creating meaningful impact is hard enough, but these days you’ve got to be able to prove it at the drop of a hat. When nonprofits need to quantify and demonstrate their impact on demand they call in Pangea.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Architecture
Our SaaS delivery model frees you from the costs and hassles of buying, maintaining, and replacing aging infrastructure. We take care of all the maintenance, security, and backups so you can avoid all that mumbo jumbo. The extra expenses of buying and maintaining servers? Not necessary. Software maintenance and upgrades? Automatic. Multiple layers of security, redundancy, and backups? Built right in. Your data is safe, secure, and recoverable.

Fully Integrated Compliance Reporting
Just because compliance reporting is the bane of your existence doesn’t mean it has to be the boss of you! We deliver all the benefits of intelligent automation—from data capture to data preparation to fully integrated compliance reporting—so you can spend less time on data and more time serving people. We also make it easy for you to view roll-up performance reports or segmented data snapshots—anytime you want.

Award-Winning Customer Service
Delivering award-winning customer service isn't about following a one-size-fits-all "canned" script. After all, every organization is different. How do we ensure success? We bring both strategic and tactical clarity to your goals, using years of best practices. Contradiction you say? Not so! We’re adamant about following best practices, but we're flexible about adapting to the way you like to do things. Unless you don’t want that. We can be flexible.
Tell your story with data
Everyone loves an inspiring story, right? A story of how the underdog overcomes humongous odds to overcome some ginormous obstacle and is transformed into a hero at the end! But what if you're the underdog and the obstacle is having your data spread everywhere—across teams and technologies—leaving you to fit all the puzzle pieces together? Then your secret weapon is Pangea. We deliver software that brings all your data together—in one convenient place. Our goal? To make it easy for you to tell your story with data.
Impact Visualization for Nonprofits®
As the leader in Nonprofit Visual Intelligence®, Pangea is transforming the way nonprofits engage their communities. America’s leading nonprofits harness our software to tell their stories through the eyes of the people they serve. The result? Programs that are as vibrant, engaging, and impactful as the people delivering them. Stakeholders who value better results. Funders who are eager to invest. And people who thrive on making a better world.